in purchasing products.

In the eyes of adorable children

Parents find it difficult to resist the urge to "buy buy buy."

However, the market's wide selection of children's clothing

And frequently cause people to be in the "difficult to cleaning mop manufacturerchoose" situation.

How do you select appropriate and safe baby clothing?

When shopping, pay attention to labels, tags, and instructions toMoschino Kids HK ensure that the above-mentioned content is clearly and accurately labeled. This is the "first barrier" in purchasing products.

Common flaws to keep in mind, avoiding pit also depends on their own

1. Clothing for infants and toddlers - be wary of "small accessories"

Because infants and toddlers have a natural tendency to grab and bite objects, 3mm attachments should not be used on textile products for infants and toddlers. Attachments larger than 3mm must also meet certain tensile strength requirements to prevent infants and toddlers from pulling them off whisky coursethe product. Prevent infants and toddlers from accidentally swallowing or ingestion, which can lead to choking and other injuries.

2. Moderate love of beauty, the rope should not be too long

Children's clothing on the rope belt exquisite beauty, let people bright, but the rope belt but also may be harmed infants "killer". Because the cord is too long, children may strangle or suffocate.

3. There is a pH range; too high and too low are "stimulating."

Baby clothes come into direct contact with the children's sensitive skin. The product's pH value exceeds the standard allowable range, which will stimulate the baby's skin and may cause allergies. Even if the product is qualified, it must be thoroughly washed after purchase before being worn.

Shopping Suggestions

1. Products should bear mandatory national standards labels.

2. Infant and toddler clothing accessories must be neither too small (3mm) nor too loose.

3. The rope belt must not be overly long.

4. The product's pH value does not meet the standard, causing skin irritation.