have a small footprint

The hygiene of the home should be cleaned on a regular basis, but modern people are already overburdened with work, and the little time they have left is poorly allocated to rest and recreation. Cleaning is becoming a more difficult topic. sommelier hong kongHowever, modern times have modern benefits, such as an endless variety of cleaning appliances. The vacuum cleaner is an important home appliance, but how much do we know about them, and how do we choose when buying and selling them, given the variety and styles available?

Barrel vacuum cleaners, horizontal vacuum cleaners, wireless vacuum cleaners, and wired vacuum cleaners are examples. The name alone is enough to give you a headache, so what are the characteristics of each of these, the following small will take you one by one to understand.

First and foremost, there are two types of vacuum cleaners: barrel vacuum cleaners and horizontal vacuum cleaners. The barrel vacuum cleaner has more power and a larger dust capacity, which means that cleaning time can be reduced to a few times. best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwoodFurthermore, it is very effective at absorbing water, full of water? The clean absorbs it immediately. However, there are some disadvantages, such as a slightly higher body, a larger footprint, no mite brush, and, most importantly, the noise is much higher than that of a horizontal vacuum cleaner cleaning the heart of the mess.

And the benefits of horizontal vacuum cleaners are that they are beautiful and elegant, have a small footprint, can be adjusted in speed, and can remove mites. There is still a significant advantage in these areas. However, the cost is that the water absorption performance is not outstanding, the dust capacity is not large, frequently appear to suck half to clean up the situation, although the dust cup capacity written 1.5L-2.5L, in fact, half is almost, if you do not frequently clean home, or home is really dirty and messy to their own can not look down. This vacuum cleaner might not be right for you......

Let's put the wired vacuum cleaner and wireless vacuum cleaner up against each other. The suction power is incredible, ah. Because it is connected to the wire, it can charge at any time and there will not be a flood of power in the body at once to use up, so it truly is a great force, there are more vigorous make more vigorous. It is especially devoted to dedication.

The power of the wireless vacuum cleaner battery, on the other hand, is limited and Marni Kids HKrelatively weak. It is an inherent advantage and disadvantage in this regard ah. However, the benefits are obvious. People are not restricted to where they want to go, and the outdoor cleaning side can truly be a people's world. Even if you do not go outside, taking it in your hand to clean the room is very comfortable ah, you do not have to worry about whether the wire is short again, or is not so that it will touch the wire and other types of trouble. The look is also more lovely in a small family, especially small and delicate.