PPT document

PPT document is opened in read-only mode, how to change to editable technical documents?convert word to pdf with embedded excel files This needs to be divided into several different situations we say, so for today will introduce the following research methods to help PPT read-only documents into editable documents.

Method one:

We can start by looking at the file properties with read-only attributes, when we open the document with a read-only word,jpg to pdf converter and combine it may be because the file properties added read-only attributes, so we can cancel the read-only

Method two:

This is a familiar method. After opening the PPT document, check the file information, open the protected presentation, tap "Always open as read-only" to cancel read-only, or tap "Mark as final" to cancel read-only, depending on the selected option.

PS: Similarly, incompatibility issues due to version problems can also cause the PPT file to become read-only mode, and there will be a prompt in the file information, we can follow the prompts to modify.

Method Three:

There is also a read-only method that will prompt us when we open the PPT file. If we want to edit the PPT file, we need to enter a password to get editing privileges. To cancel this read-only mode, you need to enter the editing state and then save the file as.word to pdf converter online free i love pdf In the Save Path interface, click the Tools button below, select General option, change the permissions and then delete the password, the read-only mode changes to editable status.

If you forget the permission to carry out the password, will not be able to realize the exit, so we need to set up a password when we need to record the password in the system security place, if you forget the password, we can also exit the read-only mode through the use of management tools, such as Superman PPT decryption assistant to lift the conditions of restriction of the main function, import PPT documents click on the enterprise to start the development of the PPT file can be read-only mode into an editable working mode