important window for the company's development to achieve a bend in the road.

In the post-epidemic era, all companies are gradually developing a new round of development, meeting new challenges, and opportunities have surfaced. Many businesses are starting to pay attention to the digital transformation of this point of opportunity, and intelligence has become an important condition for the company'smining site development. The new era of company development has seized big data to improve efficiency, target customers more accurately, and collect customer demand more clearly.

Let us first define digital transformation, which is based on the principles of digital conversion (Digitization), digital upgrading (Digitalization), and further touching the company's main business, with the goal of creating a new business model of high-end transformation. To deal with digital transformation, businesses must be prepared for change and continuous output, as well as insist on long-term thinking.

What changes will digital transformation bring to everyone's business development? Digital transformation is an iterative problem-solving and continuous improvement process.

Improve efficiency - Through big data cloud computing statistics, automation, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence methods, digital transformation can improve enterprise production, operation, communication, and management efficiency.

Cost reduction - Intelligence can assist enterprises in better allocating resources, analyzing the reserve and allocation of personnel, materials, and machinery, lowering labor costs, and improving the efficiency of resource, personnel, and equipment utilization.

Quality enhancement is the application ofUsed miner intelligent and precise quality control, fine control of production links, efficient inspection and supervision of product quality, to further standardize the entire production process, improve product quality stability, and enhance enterprise brand image and market reputation.

Optimize management - a digital office system improves our work efficiency by reducing management internal consumption, optimizing internal management and management operation steps, and so on.

Seize market demand - Intelligence can help bitmainus understand our customers' needs more efficiently and clearly. We can use intelligence to move our business from offline to online, broaden our business lines, and open up new channels of communication.