the cost

The establishment of intelligent warehouses is equivalent toamr robotics having the ability to think. This makes unmanned operations more efficient, as well as lower the cost of manual warehousing. In recent years, labor costs have been on the rise, and China's demographic dividend has gradually faded. Intelligent warehouse and traditional warehouse comparisons can not only reduce labor costs, but also be applied in special environments such as toxic environments or extreme climates. The demand for intelligent warehouse systems will only increase in the future applications.

The establishment of intelligent warehouses, in recent years, has caused land to become more and more expensive. This is because the intelligent warehouse with a high level shelving system can store goods, and space utilization can be maximized. By doing this, land costs can also be reduced, while the use of intelligent warehouses is compared to traditional warehouses, 40% of the land area can be saved.

Warehouse management software Allows intelligent three-dimensional warehouse system items to be accurately and quickly delivered to a designated location, reducing the time it takes for logistics vehicles to wait for loading and unloading. In addition, it can make the comprehensive strength of the enterprise reflected, not only can enhance the overall image of the enterprise in the minds of customers, but also improve system management.